Saturday, May 2, 2009

Baby Shower for Sister

Yesterday my neighbor had a baby shower for me and baby sister. I was a little nervous that people would think it was weird that I was having a shower for a 2nd baby but this time it is a girl. It was great I got lots of clothes which is such a blessing for us. We so appreciate the support that family and friends have given to us. Angie did a wonderful job of putting the shower together and I really appreciate her kindness. I feel really blessed to have her as a neighbor she has helped me out in so many ways.

A great surprise was how many of my family showed up they mean a lot to me. Being the last one married out of 9 and most of my siblings children are mostly grown up I sometimes think that I am on a different level then them and that they would not want to support me but that is just not true. I love them and am grateful for them all.
Surprise surprise my sister Kristi showed up to the shower coming from 5 hours away it was such a surprise and great to see her. Thanks so much for coming what a great sister you are!!


Unknown said...

Had fun at your shower! Thanks for letting me use the baby seat. You're a life saver.

Mikkel said...

Looks like lots of fun! Wish i could have come!