Thursday, March 5, 2009


So last night I had to speak to a young women group about skin care, so Mikko once again was on night duty with Kaleb. When I got home Mikko told me that they were getting ready for bed and Kaleb stopped what he was doing, and said Spiderman, and went and got in his drawer and pulled out his Spiderman swim suit. He wanted it on and his Hawaii swimming suit on as well. Mikko said he cried and cried until he gave in and put the Spiderman suit on him. He wanted both on but Dad drew the line, changed the suit and left just one suit over the PJ's. So this is what our little character looked like this morning. He also wanted to wear Daddy's watch this morning. I put it on him and he pointed to it and said. "Georgie eighty clock". He is an avid lover of Curious George and I let him watch the episode that comes on at 8am. So all the time he is saying Georgie 8ty clock. Because he loves to watch the show on TV.

So a little bit later in the morning I had a wax client over and Kaleb was driving me crazy because he was in my facial room with me touching everything he was not supposed to. So I took him upstairs to watch Tom and Jerry. I gave him a little bowl with some Cheerios in it, then went back to my client. Well my mistake was I left the cereal box out on the island counter and did not put the box back in the pantry. So when I was finished with my appointment I came back upstairs to find this little prize. He sure will go after whatever he wants. Thank goodness it was not anything liquid. So needless to say I am already tired and have taken a short nap while he was trapped in his chair for lunch!!

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