Thursday, December 20, 2012

Merry Christmas 2012

Puikkonen 2012 Highlights

Kaija – turned 3 in May and grows faster than weeds. Mom is frustrated that she grows out of her clothes every 4-6 months.

  • Likes – preschool, dance, Nutella, horses, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and Doc McStuffin
  • Dislikes- hair washing, brushing teeth, almost all food, and being told no!
  • Favorite saying – “Can I watch a movie” and starting every sentence with “Probably”

Kaleb- Turned 6 this month and is turning into quite the helper. Also grows out of his clothes too fast.
  • Likes – Karate, Ninja’s, Lego’s, playing with friends, all super heroes and candy
  • Dislikes – putting away silverware, going to bed, yogurt with fruit chunks and picking up his toys!
  • Favorite saying- “Can I go to so and so’s house to play?”

Mikko – turned a spry 37 last month and is still enjoying his work at PRI.
  • Likes – starting up hockey playing again, Star Citizen (nerd games), Mikkoplex (home theater)
  • Dislikes – getting up early to get on Trax, making phone calls with new calling
  • Favorite saying– “I don’t remember you telling me that”

Natalie – turned 40 this year and hates saying it out loud, and is busy trying to start another home business.
  • Likes – finding new cookie cutters and cookie ideas, her hubby finally exercising with her after nearly 8 years of marriage, and moments of peace after kids are asleep
  • Dislikes – toys all over the place, kids throwing tantrums and Tony Horton’s stupid jokes (P90X)
  • Favorite saying – “Insert issue of the day…. is driving me crazy!”

We have enjoyed hearing from so many of you already this holiday season. We have been very blessed this year and we have been enjoying this Christmas season where we celebrate our Saviors’ birth. We wish you are very Merry Christmas and hope that this coming year brings happiness and success in all that you are pursuing.

Love the Puikkonens - Mikko, Natalie, Kaleb and Kaija


triplej said...

Love it!!

Anonymous said...

Cute! Thanks for sharing!